all of you is welcome here...

Psychotherapy & Connection in Colorado

Welcome to SolVida

Sol means sun.

It is the light that returns day after day, even after the darkest night. 

Vida means life.

It is the wild essence within each of us, waiting dormant or shining bright. 

Woman watching sunrise

SolVida is the fire-of-life that makes each of us uniquely ourselves and carries us through the dark nights of the soul.

Are you connected to your wild essence? Your fire-of-life? It may burn as a coal, quietly waiting or gently holding steady beneath the ash, or it may burn so brightly that we are blinded by its power.

Wherever your fire-of-life is at, I’m here to tend it with you.

Hi! I’m Zoe. 

Zoe Vlastos Psychotherapist in Colorado

SolVida is the wild essence of my soul.

Zoe means life. One of my gifts is seeing the life in each person even when they cannot see it themselves.

I am a guide for exploring the inner wilderness, reflecting light into the dark places. I love wearing bright colors, jumping in mountain lakes, belly laughing, and having deep conversations. I profoundly believe in the wisdom of the body, the healing power of the wilderness, and moving through feelings to touch into what we truly want in life. I honor the darkness and the shadows; I also encourage us to be with (and maybe even play with) what life is tossing our way.

Zoe Vlastos Psychotherapist in Boulder Colorado

One of my top personal values is what I call Fierce Compassion.

I bring that mama-bear mix of unconditional acceptance, warmth, and care combined with direct feedback, boundaries, and firm nudges toward growth. I’m going to love you and I’m going to challenge you because I believe in your light.

Sometimes I still struggle with being a human BEING rather than a human DOING. My unlearning of value being tied to productivity and relearning of the inherent worth of my wild self includes scheduling in more rest and time for slowness. 

I am like a tree, deeply grounded in my roots while constantly reaching for new growth. I’ve always got a new project or passion bubbling up. I am a dreamer and an eternal optimist. 

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life.”

Mary Oliver

Professional background

I have a background in wilderness therapy, bilingual social justice counseling, eating disorder treatment, conscious embodiment, and women’s empowerment. I have worked with survivors of domestic violence, led a Latinx support group, provided care in an eating disorder Partial Hospitalization Program, guided groups of adolescents and young adults in wilderness therapy, facilitated women’s groups, and completed research on eating disorders. My experiences continually leave me in awe of the strength and beauty of the human spirit.


  • Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. 

  • B.S. in Neuroscience & Psychology.

  • Evolutionary Power Institute Practitioner, Level I & Level II. 

  • Wilderness First Responder.

  • Mental Health Wilderness First Responder.

  • EMDR Training.

SolVida Values…

I trust the unfolding of your unique process and going at your pace. I trust that our bodies know how to heal, sometimes we just have to get our minds out of the way. I trust in the natural healing capacity of the human spirit. The sun always rises, even after the darkest night.

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The raw harmony of the wilderness offers a natural and neutral space for the human experience to be exactly as it is. No matter what you show up with, nature is there to hold you. No rush. No pressure.

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We each deserve freedom from the old patterns and traumas that hold us back from creating what we truly want in our lives. Our dreams may feel like a deep well of desires that sometimes we’re afraid to look into. I help you shift from passively throwing a wish-penny into the well hoping for change, to actively shining the light of your longing into the dark crevices to unearth what is there.

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Humans are wired for connection; feeling connected to others is essential for the human soul to flourish. True connection is about finding the wild essence of yourself within the home of your body and authentically connecting to others from that place.

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Ready for a space where you feel held and free, challenged and supported? 

Set-up a free 30 minute consultation to see if working together feels like what you truly want right now.