grow in community

Connection is the beating heart of SolVida

SolVida Connections is a place of co-creative group experiences in a variety of forms, all focused on cultivating greater connection to self, others, and the world.

In collaboration with other leaders and healers, SolVida Connections offers therapy groups, workshops, ceremonies, retreats, events, and therapeutic wilderness outings. 

Hands on tree therapy groups and trips

Together, we’ll explore themes around…

  • Knowing and expressing our essential selves while in connection with others.

  • Rewilding - the process of reconnecting to the wild essence of who we were before the world tamed us. 

  • Body image, embodiment, and how to navigate our image-focused culture from a place of essence.

  • Mindfulness practicies for concious living. 

  • Connection to both the inner and outer wilderness. 

  • Experiencing, expressing, and communicating our emotions with others. 

  • Our relationships with food, control, and navigating eating disorder recovery.

  • Work with inner personas and unconscious patterns.

SolVida Connections’ upcoming offerings!

In a post-pandemic and highly technological world our mental health has been greatly impacted by our lack of connection to others. 

In our programs we bring people together to explore what it means to cultivate and maintain connection to our authentic selves while creating true belonging with others and in the world.

“Connection is the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.”

Brene Brown